
I Need Help PLease!Ashton estimates the square root of 72 in the following way:√72=2√36=2×6=12Explain why his reasoning is incorrect.Estimate the square root of 72 to the nearest tenth without using your calculator. Show your work.Answer:

Accepted Solution

Answer: [tex]\sqrt {72} = 6\sqrt 2 [/tex] Step-by-step explanation:Ashton estimates the square root of 72 in the following way:√72=2√36=2×6=12a) Explain why his reasoning is incorrectThis is incorrect because [tex]\sqrt2 * 6[/tex] is the correct answer but he has missed the square root term on 2. [tex]=\sqrt {2^2X2X3^2 }[/tex] [tex]=\sqrt {2^2} \sqrt 2 \sqrt {3^2 }[/tex] [tex]=2 X \sqrt 2 X 3[/tex] [tex]= \sqrt 2 X 6[/tex] or can be written as: [tex]= 6\sqrt 2 [/tex] b) Estimate the square root of 72 to the nearest tenth without using your calculator. Show your work.Find the factors of 72 we get [tex]\sqrt {2X2X2X3X3 }[/tex]  Now, we will combine 2 terms if the are same so, [tex]=\sqrt {2^2X2X3^2 }[/tex] [tex]=\sqrt {2^2} \sqrt 2 \sqrt {3^2 }[/tex] [tex]=2 X \sqrt 2 X 3[/tex] [tex]= \sqrt 2 X 6[/tex] [tex]= 6\sqrt 2 [/tex] [tex]\sqrt {72} = 6\sqrt 2 [/tex]